About Photomobil
Photomobil introduced the idea of photo booths in vintage cars to Israel. The company was established in 2013, and combines our love of vintage cars with the desire to bring something refreshing and orginal to the world of weddings and events in Israel.
Photomobil's Philosophy
At Photomobil we place great emphasis on quality of product, a high level of service and, of course, originality. Our aim is to bring a new and refreshing aspect to the world of attractions for events and weddings in Israel. In addition to bringing happiness and wow factor to the event, we provide a very personal service and promise that our clients will be happy with their decision to include us in their event. Our long list of genuine recommendations on Wedreviews and you will understand the level of enthusiasm for our products from our clients. We pride ourselves in our high level of service and are delighted anew each time when our clients tell us that we upgraded their event.
?Where did the idea come from
At the beginning of 2013 many of our friends started getting married and we, like many young couples, began to be invited to lots of weddings. To begin with it was moving - seeing your close friends walking down the aisle is always heartwarming, but after several weddings the routine started to become repetitive. Arriving at the hall, chatting and eating at the reception, the hupah is delayed, going to the bar, hupah, entering the event hall and dancing, dancing, dancing. At some stage we felt fed up. These weddings are all exactly the same! And that's exactly where we came up with the idea of bringing an attraction which is original, refreshing and fun!

Gabby Delin - Partner - Managing Director
Gabby started out in management and organisation as an Officer in the IDF in an operations management role. This prepared her for the world of business. After leaving the army she worked in high tech but she felt she was missing out on using her creative skills and that’s when she decided to establish Photomobil together with Tom. Gabby leads the direction of the company. She is responsible for design, marketing and client relations. Gabby is studying a first degree in Engineering and Industrial management and also operates many of our events.
Tom Wirth - Partner - Technical & Logistics Manager
Tom Wirth is 26. He is well known for his expertise with all things technical and mechanical and it is Tom who was behind putting the idea into practice and turning it into a reality. Tom refurbished each of our cars and turned them into beautiful photo booths. He installed the sophisticated photography system, exact lighting, the printing technology, and the programming. That’s just a snippet of the things that Tom has developed and built with his own hands. Tom is partner in the company and manages the not inconsiderable logistics and is the operator at most of the events. On complicated days when we have a number of events at the same time, Tom ensures that each event will be carried out to the high standards that we are commited to.

Deborah Delin - Office Manager & Graphic Designer
Graphic designer and programmer, Deborah developed our website and works on our search engine optimisation. In addition Deborah is responsible for design of the personalisation for the pictures for every event. Design and creativity are in Deborah’s blood and she offers graphic services to the highest standard. It is important to her that every client will be delighted and she offers to create a design based on the invitation or logo, and has also developed a large base of examples for cients to choose from. Additionally Deborah runs the Photomobil office and answers enquiries from clients.